VGE Vocational Training center

Customer care

Certificate in Customer Care

Course Description:

This program of studies provides the necessary training to achieve the necessary knowledge and competencies at management in food and beverage or a room’s division department within a hotel organization.


VGE Vocational Training center offers the most comprehensive short customer service training program in Tanzania. Our customer service course aims at ensuring that the student will study and register improvement in understanding and delivery of high level customer service. This program achieves this by training practically in skills and ensuring commitment to deliver the best customer experience.

Our Training Approach

Our customers service training program is fully practical and conducted in a business set-up. It is focused on sectors that substantially improve internal and external customers skills. We help each student to create relationships that have business value out of each interaction with a customer. In addition, our customer service Training program includes Real-life customer service skills training which focuses on equipping you with practical, life applicable customer care skills and strategies. Our course materials are designed to ensure you have all the resources you need to achieve unmatched internal and external customer satisfaction levels in any job set-up

Our Training Program Includes

  • Comprehensive Product Knowledge: We ensure your team are equipped to answer any customer query with confidence and accuracy.
  • Effective Complaint Resolution Techniques: We teach your team how to efficiently and effectively address customer complaints.
    Advanced Customer Handling Skills: Your team will gain the ability to deal with even the most challenging customers with professionalism.
  • Consistency in Service Delivery: We help your team understand the importance of delivering consistent, and top-quality service every time.
  • Customer Retention Strategies: Our training equips your team with the tools to not only solve immediate issues but also to build long-lasting customer relationships.

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